La región de Trentino-Alto Adigio es la más septentrional de las 20 regiones de Italia. Casi toda la región se encuentra en los Alpes. Trentino-Alto Adigio consta de dos provincias autónomas. Tirol del Sur y Trentino.
La parte norte limita con Austria y es el Tirol del Sur. Aquí se habla tanto el alemán como el italiano. En italiano, la provincia se llama Alto Adigio. La capital es Bolzano. Muchos turistas extranjeros vienen a Tirol del Sur. Como se habla alemán y Tirol del Sur es culturalmente más austriaco que italiano, muchos turistas alemanes y austriacos vienen a Tirol del Sur. Hay hermosos paisajes y grandes posibilidades de hacer senderismo. En invierno, el Tirol del Sur suele estar reservado para los amantes de los deportes de invierno. Grandes zonas de esquí y pistas esperan a los veraneantes en invierno.
En el Tirol del Sur, cerca del 70% de la población habla alemán como lengua materna; en Tretino, más al sur, casi todos los habitantes son italianos. La capital de la provincia es Trento. Otra ciudad muy conocida es Rovereto. El extremo norte del lago de Garda pertenece a Trentino-Alto Adigio y es la frontera sur de la región.
The capital of the entire region of Trentino-South Tyrol is officially Trento (Trient), although many government buildings etc. are also in Bolzano in South Tyrol. Both autonomous provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol have just over half a million inhabitants; together the region of Trentino-South Tyrol has 1.08 million inhabitants. The two capitals are also about the same size. Both Bolzano and Trento have a population of about 110,000.
In the north, the Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige borders mainly Austria, but it also has a short border with Switzerland. To the south of the regions are the Italian region of Lombardy in the west and Veneto in the east.
Especially in South Tyrol there are see high mountains in the Alps. The highest mountain in South Tyrol is the Ortler at 3905 metres west of Bolzano. The Dolomites, which are up to 3300 metres high, are also a well-known part of the Alps in the region.
The region of Trentino-Alto Adige is one of the richest regions of Italy with a GDP per capita around $40,000 and is about as rich as the average of Germany. Prices, especially in South Tyrol, are somewhat higher than in other provinces in Italy. This is especially true for hotels and gastronomy.
It is very easy to reach South Tyrol from Germany via the Brenner Pass from Innsbruck (Austria) by road or by train. If you continue south on the motorway, you will reach the Trentino region.